Saturday, February 6, 2010

I know the Lord restores my soul, He makes me new he makes me whole

Last night Cody Carnes killed it. Honestly I don't even know how to describe the show. It obviously had a big enough impact on me to write something about it. Since theres not really one word to describe it, im going to use several events that took place during his set that can better paint the pic in your head. On a few of his songs I was on the cusp of shedding a few tears, and I could kinda tell that a few others were too. Cody's songs are completely raw, and they just tell it how it is, which was really encouraging. Cody and Cavanaugh James ended up just giving away their CD's to everyone. They explained that what they are doing was not to make money or be famous, but to share their love and encouragement through their music. This show was well worth the $8. When Cody played the last note of his last song everyone clapped for another few mins after he was done and it was well deserved. As Cody's friend and someone who has seen him before last night, you can tell how much he has grown spiritually and musically. I went to the concert knowing it was going to be good, but I left blessed, and very impressed on how good it was. I honestly didn't expect it. I recorded the whole show, so hopefully shortly I'll post some songs up. His news songs that didn't make it on the EP are even better the ones on the EP.

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